Laila: »There is not a single immigrant manager«
Nine persons tells how difficult it is getting into the Swedish finance industry if you have a foreign background, and that advancing in your career is just as hard. Here is Laila’s story. Her name has been changed to protect her identity.
Laila grew up in Sweden and has worked in banking for more than seven years. There is discrimination in all parts of the bank, she says. She is now in a position she feels comfortable with, but it took a lot of hard work to get there.
– The role I have today is amazing, but the journey getting here has not been easy, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, Laila says.

Eight times higher unemployment rate among foreign born
When she first started at the bank some of here close coworkers were absent from work for different reasons. Laila took on their job as well and worked for 60-70 hours a week.
– I think that’s a big problem among us foreign born, you feel obligated to make sure everything works, and you take on too much responsibility.
Despite her strong commitment and her good performance in sales, she did not get promoted. Laila applied for several positions in the bank but other, less qualified, coworkers got the jobs instead.
– As a foreign born, you don’t get the same opportunities, that’s obvious. I have several times been told not to apply for positions with the motivation:» that job wouldn’t suit you«.
When she on top of everything got a lower pay rise than average, she resigned.
Today Laila works in a different part of the bank, where she is much happier. But the lack of diversity is apparent there as well.
A lot of people associate accent with socio-economic problems and crime.
– We are only a handful foreign born, among about a hundred people. There is not a single immigrant manager, Laila says.
The language barrier is part of the problem. Speaking Swedish is not enough, according to Laila, you must also speak without accent.
– A lot of people associate accent with socio-economic problems and crime, especially in banking.
She has pointed out the discrimination at the bank several times. But instead of addressing the problem, she feels that the employer sees her as a troublemaker.
– The bank claims to have an open and honest culture. But when you are honest, you quickly learn that management and hr will use it against you.